- Airports Sacco Ltd. Airports Sacco Ltd. - M-Banking Services
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    020 790 3119

M-Banking Services

The Sacco provides the following M-banking services:

  • Transfers from account to M-PESA
  • Airtime purchase
  • Mini statements
  • Repayment of loans
  • Request of advance
  • Contribute deposit

Accessing the m-banking services

Dial *720#

Deposit cash to Fosa account

  1. Go to m-pesa menu and select Lipa na m-pesa-paybill option.
  2. Enter Airports Sacco business number 182239 and click ok
  3. Under account no, enter your FOSA account no e.g 1-01-37****-01 or 1-01-37****-06 depending on account type.
  4. Enter amount you wish to deposit
  5. Enter your m-pesa pin and click OK
  6. Confirm your details and press OK
  7. You will receive a confirmation message.

Common ATM error codes

  • Error code 106 - PIN tries exceeded-card blocked
  • Error code 116 - Insufficient Funds
  • Error code 118 - Card not activated
  • Error code 911/912 - System delay/Network error
  • Error code 114 Account dormant
MPESA Paybill
M-Banking Services

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Get in Touch

More Contacts

FOSA contacts
Office: JKIA Cargo Terminal
Phone: 020 790 3119
WhatsApp: 0743 294 744
Email: credit@airportssacco.co.ke

BOSA contacts
Mobile: 020 790 3119
Email: bosa@airportssacco.co.ke