- Airports Sacco Ltd. Airports Sacco Ltd. - About Us
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    020 790 3119

About Us

Airports Sacco is a savings and credit co-operative society limited that was formed on 25th March, 1994 with the purpose of deepening its financial service delivery to its members. The Sacco derives its membership from employees of Kenya Airports Authority (K.A.A) and other individuals and organizations working within and around the country’s airport. We also have Diaspora members in the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom (UK), and Saudi Arabia.

About 18 members attended the first meeting, which was held on 14th April 1994, at the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) Headquarters. From the same meeting five Interim Officials were elected as follows:

  • Mr. Simon N. Njunge - Interim Chairman
  • Mr. Hoboson Mwangovya - Interim Vice-Chairman
  • Mr. S.K. Nyamu - Interim Treasurer
  • Mrs. Gladys V. Ilahalwa - Interim Secretary
  • Mrs. Patricia M. Maitha - Asst. Interim Secretary

The Sacco was officially registered on 11th November 1994 and had a Share Capital of over KShs.240,000. It also joined the membership of Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives Ltd (KUSCCO) the same year with 100 shares worth KShs10,000. The Sacco recognizes that a cooperative is the most suited avenue through which small-scale practitioners can jointly and severally add to their net worth. The Sacco therefore commits to good corporate governance and practices.

The Sacco has taken a bold step in investing its resources to provide focus and direction to achieve the vision to be a leading, dynamic, vibrant and trusted Sacco service provider in the country.

Pay your loan or make a deposit
via our sacco Mpesa Paybill

MPESA Paybill



We Value your commitment to the sacco.

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More Contacts

FOSA contacts
Office: JKIA Cargo Terminal
Phone: 020 790 3119
WhatsApp: 0743 294 744
Email: credit@airportssacco.co.ke

BOSA contacts
Mobile: 020 790 3119
Email: bosa@airportssacco.co.ke